Build Your IT Security Foundation

Strengthen Your IT Security Skills with the SSCP course by Total Cyber Solutions

Course Description

The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification, offered by (ISC)², is a globally recognized credential that validates an individual’s technical skills in implementing, monitoring, and administering IT infrastructure using security best practices. Ideal for IT administrators, managers, and network security professionals, the SSCP covers key topics such as access controls, security operations, risk management, incident response, cryptography, and network security. Achieving the SSCP demonstrates a commitment to security excellence and enhances career prospects in various IT security roles.


Amazing Course

“This course took me from basic understanding of the internet to cybersecurity professional in a short time. The extra tutoring definitely help me gain more knowledge and skills.”

George Roman

Take the SSCP
On-Demand Course

Course Duration

12-Month Access and Approximately 72 hours of Instruction and Labs​

Course Level

Intermediate, some experience required

Course Price

$ 3999.99

Jobs that typically use or require SSCP certification:

Network Security Engineer

IT/Systems/Network Administrator

Security Analyst

Systems Engineer

Security Consultant/Specialist

Security Administrator

Systems/Network Analyst

Database Administrator

Individuals operating in a security operations center (SOC) environment performing the role of incident handler, SIEM analyst, forensics specialist, threat intel researcher, etc.

Benefits of SSCP Certification

Career Opportunities and Advancement

Depending on country and employer. On average, ISC2 members report having 35% higher salaries than non-members.


Validates knowledge and experience. It's a way to be taken more seriously.

Growth and Learning

Helps individuals develop new skills they can apply in day-to-day work and stay-up-to-date on emerging threats.

Pathway to CISSP/Career in Cybersecurity

Builds a strong foundation for an infosec career and helps individuals get familiar with the format of ISC2 exams (such as CISSP).

Broader Perspective

Helps individuals understand the business side of things and apply real-world knowledge across platforms.

Higher Salaries

Can lead to higher pay, promotions, more complex work, exciting challenges, project lead roles and better jobs.

Community of Professionals

Enables access to a network of peers and access to CPE/learning opportunites.

Ensure Compliance

Comply with government or industry regulations (DoD 8140.01/8570.01 approved).

Overall Course Pass Rate

Our documented 95% passing rate1, has allowed us to train hundreds of students to pass their exam on the first try.


1Pass rate is directly affected by students viewing the live/on-demand course and completing the course material. Students that do not complete the course have a 80% or less pass rate.