Excel in Cloud Security

Gain expertise in Cloud Security and enhance your career with the CCSP course by Total Cyber Solutions

Course Description

The Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification, offered by (ISC)², is a globally recognized credential that validates an individual’s expertise in cloud security. It is designed for IT and information security professionals who secure cloud environments, covering essential topics like cloud data security, cloud platform and infrastructure security, cloud application security, and legal, risk, and compliance issues. Achieving the CCSP demonstrates a thorough understanding of cloud security principles and practices, making it ideal for roles such as cloud architect, cloud engineer, and security consultant.


Amazing Course

“This course took me from basic understanding of the internet to cybersecurity professional in a short time. The extra tutoring definitely help me gain more knowledge and skills.”

George Roman

Take the CCSP
On-Demand Course

Course Duration

12-Month Access and Approximately 72 hours of Instruction and Labs​

Course Level

Advanced, experience required

Course Price

$ 3999.99

Jobs that typically use or require CCSP certification:

Cloud Architect

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)



Enterprise Architect

IT Contract Negotiator

IT Risk and Compliance Manager

Security Analyst

Security Architect

Security Consultant

Security Engineer

Security Manager

Systems Architect

Systems Engineer


Security Administrator

Benefits of CCSP Certification

Career Opportunities and Advancement

Helps practitioners expand into cloud services and win new business. Helps SMEs move into more strategic roles.

Versatile Skills

Vendor-neutral and multivendor knowledge can be applied across a variety of cloud platforms, increasing marketability and ensuring ability to protect sensitive data in a global environment.


Positioned as an authority figure on cloud security, proving proficiency to keep up with new technologies, developments and threats.

Unique Recognition

The highest standard for cloud security expertise. Powered by two leading nonprofits, it's vendor-neutral, accredited and requires both practical knowledge and professional experience to earn.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Organizations seeking ISO 27000 certification benefit immensely from practitioners knowledgeable about ISO 27017/27018 cloud security standards.

Higher Salaries

According to Certification Salary Survey 75 list, CCSPs reported an average salary of USD $138,610 in the U.S., USD $127,010 worldwide.

Stay Current

Ensure work teams are up to date on evolving cloud technologies, threats and mitigation strategies by meeting ISC2s Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements.

Stronger Skill Set

Advanced knowledge and skills to stay ahead of cloud security best practices, evolving technologies and mitigation strategies.

Overall Course Pass Rate

Our documented 95% passing rate1, has allowed us to train hundreds of students to pass their exam on the first try.


1Pass rate is directly affected by students viewing the live/on-demand course and completing the course material. Students that do not complete the course have a 80% or less pass rate.